Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Trash The (Prom) Dress!!

This Saturday June 12th is Trash The (Prom) Dress Model Day! This new trend in fashion photography is a fun way to get more use out of those dresses you hang in your closet and never wear again. However, the dress is only as trashed as you wish to get it. Maybe you choose to just take your picture sitting in the woods or maybe you want to sit in the river. Or maybe you just want to stand by the river! Trash as much or as little as you want!

Don't want to trash your dress at all?I have several dresses for sale. I have purchased several dresses on ebay for this event and will sell them to models for the same price I have purchased them for. Nothing over $20!

If you want to participate, please let me know soon as space is limited.